- - - - -- Real-Power -- - - - - by >Rymix This song almost wasn't... I think I meant for 'The Owl's Shadow' to be called this... I came up with the main theme by playing on my keyboard one day (my trusty Korg 01/W) just looking for different chord sequences. Hmmm... you think I found a good one? I don't know, I kinda like it. Oh well, I can never think of what to write sometimes :-P I hope you like this song. It took me about 7days to finish this one! (It's taking longer and longer....) Well, anyways, here are some greets: INLCUDE "Constantly_Updated_Greetz_List" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Greets to the people I've met & know: Enigma, Axl, DraX, David Black, Bane, Black Sabbath, Scorpion Shadow Knight, CyberSol, Whymir Mirkava, PsychoMatrix, Steve Winkler, Art Sexton, Chad Barwick, Kamakazie, Lep, Ang, Roy Smith, Malcolm Daisy, David Therkelson, Kevin Rogers, Greg Pfiefer, Rich Allen, Jason Shafter, all of MACE, David Leach, Mark Smith, and all others I most terribly forgot.... IRC Greets go out to: #amiga: CrimsonT, Juno, FastLane, AmigaMan, SideWind, sunrise, GuyBrush, Grypas, polter (U4ia), Gluon, nuttah, John Unix, babbage, MisterX, Lauraaa, rupchuk, Crash, JCompton, Pongo, dlman, turtle, Optic, Stingray, Nyx, Badlander, RobB, TPUG-Dug, desrat, espionage, sketch, RobR, TonyTaco, denni, falco, EeeZee, davereed, diskraker, Teflik, Drizzit, Encoder, Z0mbie, BigMouth, ditty, goodie, appy, Ziggy, Thiron, N'Kognito, TerraC, tneDPA, Idea-MW, spamgod, Genom, digerati, Sgt_D, NetDancer, schizo, Fairmont, Fingers, fallous, Milly, Flame, SWarrior, Kscully, Pirahna, Orpheus, Swatch, Trib, Schrade, Arctangent, CoBaLt60, Sporky, Light, Deltax, apd, RedSkull, RedWine, MustangVR, Shivan, BatCat, pjotr, crazybob, spuug, Yngve, e-oon, Amster, Tylinto, byro, hwMagic, foivos, stevekh.... #suicide: Sheol (Aerial & [slider] :), Barnaby, Bearr, jasonsw, effigy, Ducksaus (Emiko), Hendrix77, Camilla, NoFX, tf2u, reset, fenris, Tattoo, truck, dadevo, Iranon, BUD-, RAGE, Euler, Nosferatu, Edsncrtr, Jilly, GodVamp, rad, QDerf, erpola, villager.... #death, #vampire, my #TheBeyond, #heaven, #hell, #friendly, #trax, and all other channels I've been to... NoD0ze, sIn, Lucifer, Tazzz (& Immune/Immunity) rav3n, Adela, frame, Azathoth (DeadFish), Tzimon, PitFiend, elvin, rasha, M, roadrunner (MeepMeep!), Lady.... SuperGreets: TonyTaco, Drizzit, Gluon, CoBaLt60, Idea-MW, FastLane, CrimsonT davereed, Fairmont, SWarrior, Teflik, goodie, espy, BatCat, U4ia, deltax, Slayer, Martin Hilpert, more to come.... Look for me on IRC as [Death] or Rymix ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Protracker & Amiga Rule 4ever! ...time.to.dream... (rymix@wsnet.com) -----This text is appended as the last instrument of the module-------